Why Models Choose AR Management Inc.

The eight reasons casting directors love us.

  1. We guarantee satisfaction – no charges if the casting director is not pleased with any model for any reason.
  2. We stand by our models – no charges if they ever let the casting director down with a designer or the press.
  3. We ensure transparency – no charges if any fact is misrepresented by us to the casting director about any model.
  4. We facilitate communication – no charges if our models call or text the casting director to inquire about their job status.
  5. We emphasize punctuality – no charges if our models ever show up late.
  6. We handle payments professionally – no hassles for the casting director from models regarding payments.
  7. We offer 24/7 live support for casting directors and models.
  8. We provide coaching to our models for mental and physical wellness.

The eight reasons models love us.

  1. We pay every model within 7 days of our sending an invoice, even if we have not been paid by the client and we will never ask a model to pay for travel or lodging or any other expense.
  2. We have live support in multiple languages for models 24/7 to enhance their safety, protect them from harassment, help with logistics, and other issues. 
  3. We will take on those companies and people that treat our models with prejudice, discrimination, harassment, abuse, and other forms of mistreatment.  In addition, we represent models on sensitive matters and eliminate the anxiety of models speaking up about negative or personal experiences to anyone for fear of not getting future opportunities.
  4. We provide the models with transparency on fees, and we offer the models consistent and regular transparent communication, so they are always up to date.
  5. We provide mental health and physical wellness support services to the models including counseling resources.  
  6. We always inform the models in real-time, whom we submit them to, and let them know when they are rejected or accepted.
  7. We will share our fees and commissions with the non-profits that each model chooses. We never share a portion of the model’s fee, only our fees.
  8. Every year we send our top 2 models to the BFC Fashion Awards to walk the red carpet, enjoy the show and the after-party.

The eight reasons designers love us.

  1. Our models are professionals and communicate the designer’s message.
  2. Our models display professionalism both on and off the set, including avoiding inappropriate behavior that could reflect poorly on the designer.
  3. Our models are great at taking direction and adjusting based on feedback from the designer’s creative team.
  4. Our models have a good understanding of lighting helping them to pose and move in ways that maximize the designer’s clothing.
  5. Our models have a total commitment to the project and are willing to go above and beyond in order to ensure success for the designer.
  6. Our models are more willing to take risks in their performance if the designer prefers new poses or different expressions to tell the story of the design.
  7. Our models have a great level of patience during shoots and shows and remain focused and engaged even during long challenging days.
  8. Our models have respect for the designer’s vision and will adapt their performance to best showcase the designer’s work.

The eight reasons other model agencies love to collaborate with us.

  1. Guaranteed satisfaction: We ensure that if the casting director, designer, or collaborating agency is not pleased with our model for any reason, there will be no charges.
  2. Reliable models: If our models ever let down the casting director, designer, or collaborating agency with the press or potential clients, there will be no charges.
  3. Transparent representation: We commit to providing accurate information about our models, and if any fact is misrepresented to the collaborating agency, there will be no charges.
  4. Smooth communication: Our models are encouraged to reach out to the casting director or designer via calls or texts to inquire about their job status, and there will be no charges for this communication.
  5. Punctuality is paramount: We emphasize the importance of punctuality, and if our models ever show up late, there will be no charges.
  6. Professional payment handling: Casting directors, designers, or collaborating agencies won't face any hassles from models regarding payments. We pay our models within 7 days, even if we haven't been paid yet.
  7. Always available support: We offer 24/7 live support via phone, WhatsApp, or text to collaborating agencies, casting directors, and models, ensuring we are always accessible.
  8. Comprehensive coaching: We provide coaching to our models to promote their mental and physical wellness, allowing them to perform at their best.

The eight reasons we formed this agency.

  1. There is still not enough diversity, inclusivity, body positivity, mental health support and physical health support for models – we stand up for these issues.
  2. Models want financial transparency, model safety, protection from harassment and respect – we protect our models and are always transparent.
  3. We support the specific issues that our models are passionate about such as sustainability, Ethical Fashion, anti-discrimination, cruelty-free fashion and women’s empowerment.  We donate to the causes that our models are passionate about.
  4. We help models build their personal brand with guidance on social and traditional media.
  5. We take care of the models as if they were family.
  6. Casting directors want less stress and more transparency, and we provide that always
  7. Models want respect and to be paid promptly – we pay them in seven days even if we have not been paid yet.
  8. Designers want models that will tell their story through posing and walking. Our models are professionals and know their job is to represent the designer with potential clients and media both on and off the set.
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